Friday 17 April 2015

'Bird Dreams' by Kerrin Leeb

“Give up your foolish dreams of flying,” said mother. When I swooped past the kitchen window on a sunny afternoon she didn’t notice. I had to do it more than once before I got her attention. “Stop it,” she said. “Idiotic girl, come down”.  I squawked back and skimmed over her, snatching off her glasses as I went. Higher I flew, tumbling and turning. When the glasses shattered, I could see the colour of her anger from way up. There was no going back. So I joined a friendly flock of geese flying south.

FlashFlood is brought to you by National Flash-Fiction Day UK, happening this year on 27th June 2015.
In the build up to the day we have now launched our Micro-Fiction Competition (stories up to 100 words) and also our annual Anthology (stories up to 500 words).  So if you have enjoyed FlashFlood, why not send us your stories?
More information about these and the Day itself available at


  1. Oh, I like this. A flight of fantasy (sorry) where a lot happens every sentence. Well done on the subtext.

  2. v nice indeed ms k x I think of you like Borka ( a goose in a knitted jumper ) x


2024 Wigleaf Longlisting

Huge congratulations to Lisa Alletson whose 2024 FlashFlood piece, ' Translucent ' made the Wigleaf Top 50 longlist! You can read th...