Saturday 15 June 2024

'On Baking, and Breadcrumbs, and Time' by Lisa Fox

Your tiny fingers knead the dough with the intensity of a sculptor crafting a masterpiece. Together we watch the transformation, an amorphous blob rises and bakes into a better version of itself. We slice through the crisp exterior of the bread and pull apart the pieces. We watch the edges crumble, flakes of crust falling away like the moments that pass as I watch you grow. We slather blueberry jam for extra sweetness, its taste palpable in memory. I scoop breadcrumbs from the table and sprinkle them into your palm, so you’ll always find your way back home.

Lisa Fox is a pharmaceutical market researcher by day and fiction writer by night. She survives—and sometimes even thrives—in the chaos of suburban New Jersey life with her husband, two teenage sons, and quirky Double-Doodle dog. Her debut short story collection, Core Truths, was published in April 2023. Lisa’s work has been featured in Amazing Stories, Uncharted, Dark Matter, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Metaphorosis, and New Myths, among others. Lisa has had work nominated for the Pushcart Prize and for Best Small Fictions. Find Lisa and her published work via her website: or on Twitter @iamlisafox10800.

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