Saturday 15 June 2024

'After the Tone' by Suze Kay

Hey. I had a dream, and you were there. We were walking through the field in Hampstead Heath, the one where I watched clouds with John. But you were there this time, and we shared an apple like horses – with big bites, each to a side.

I let you have the core because you told me that if I didn’t, you’d never call me back. So, I just, well, I guess I wanted to let you know. That in the dream, you wanted the apple core and I let you have it. So you can call back if you want.

I know you won’t. That’s ok. I probably won’t again, either. I thought I was done doing this. Honestly, I’m surprised your voicemail isn’t full. I’m scared it will be, one day. That the more messages I leave, the less space there is to leave them.

Well, I love you. Still. Just wanted to say that. And tell you about the dream.

Suze Kay is a pastry chef in New Jersey. Her words have been published by Rock and a Hard Place Press and Ginger Bug Press. Her short story 'The Little Coffee Shoppe at the End of the World' won first place in the Sci-Fi division of the 2023 Vocal Writing Awards.

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