Saturday 15 June 2024

'Dearly Departed' by Bob Gielow

Do You Wonder … What They Will Say at Your Funeral?

You need not wonder anymore.  You can pre-determine how you will be described and what stories will be told about you during your memorial service.  Thanks to our proven system of connections with members of the clergy (all faiths), funeral home Directors and obituary writers, along with our extensive list of actors/actresses ready to speak as if they knew you, Dearly Departed® guarantees that during your final, public farewell, you will be portrayed:

  • as being an inspiration to others,
  • possessing a charming personality, and
  • having an impressive intellect. 

Depending on the unique category of Memorial Service you select, you can also choose to be described (for example) as…

  • being the author of several best-selling books written anonymously,
  • being an elusive drug-lord who has been wanted by the FBI for over a decade, and/or
  • being the secret lover of a former soap opera star who will describe you as “inexhaustible and inventive in bed.” 

It does not matter if these stories are untrue.  What matters is how you will be remembered by those who attend your memorial service.  For those purchasing the Deluxe Memorial Service, the praise and adoration for you will continue long past your public farewell in the form of blog entries and social media posts. 

Are you, like most people, upset that you haven’t done more with your life, haven’t “made a name for yourself?”  Making an investment in your legacy by purchasing the Dearly Departed package that best fits your unfulfilled personal aspirations will shout out to the world all that you have accomplished … even if the reality of your life doesn’t quite live up to the hype of your memorial service. 

To learn more, visit us online or call the number below. 


A college administrator by day, Bob Gielow (he/him) spins tales in formats we all use when communicating with each other: text messages, emails, fictional Wikipedia posts, and diary entries all allow him to be clinical and thorough in describing his characters, their thinking and actions…without diminishing his ability to explore the resulting human emotions.

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