Saturday 15 June 2024

'All-Hands Meeting' by Thad DeVassie

Management called an All-Hands Meeting. The administrative types understand what this means. The floor workers have no knowledge of this concept as people start congregating in an open area on the factory floor. There is a microphone and a PA system there that isn’t normally there. An unfamiliar man in a suit approaches the microphone and begins talking about company values and challenges with today’s supply chain. He’s referring to a PowerPoint on large screen monitor that is ill-suited for this kind of gathering. People in the back can’t hear him over the dull hum of machinery. This goes on for 25 minutes. Nobody complains. In fact, everyone feels good, even a little refreshed for the extra 25-minute break in their day. There is chatter going up the leadership chain suggesting a need for more All-Hands based on employee feedback. That’s when the high-fives start flying in the executive suite.

Thad DeVassie is a writer and artist/painter who creates from the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio. He is the author of three chapbooks, most recently THIS SIDE OF UTOPIA from Cervena Barva Press. He was awarded the James Tate Poetry Prize for SPLENDID IRRATIONALITIES in 2020 from SurVision Books. Find more of his written and painted work at

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