Saturday 15 June 2024

'What if I Never Actually Liked the Eagles' by Ashley McCurry

What if I Never Actually Liked the Eagles

and horror movies made my skin crawl, or if I wore pink and preferred matte red lipstick to clear gloss, and maybe there’s a universe in which I’m not overly cautious about everything I consume—the calories and wine and men—and in that timeline my father didn’t drive away in a U-Haul so your live-in boyfriend never knew me, never brushed the downy-soft hair from my face, never told you he’d take very good care of me when you went out with your girlfriends, and maybe that other universe exists and you never, he never, I never actually knew.


Ashley McCurry (she/her) is a short fiction writer residing in the Southeastern U.S. with her husband and four rescue dogs. She is a staff fiction reader for Okay Donkey Literary Magazine. Her stories have placed in the Bath Flash Fiction, Scribes Prize, National Flash Fiction Day, and Welkin Writing Prize competitions, among others. Find her on Twitter: @amacwriting.

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