Saturday 16 June 2018

'The Gift' by Jane Roberts

I give you a home. 
Fee. Simple. Absolute. In possession.
This is the gift of ownership, of belonging. And I give it to you. For always. Forever. No selected years on lease, just freehold. No rentcharge. No mortgage. No tenancy at will, in common, or at sufferance. No overriding interests. No liabilities. No restrictive covenants – no strictures full stop.
There will be no adverse possession. 
Whether this gift is legal or equitable – it makes no difference. I give you licence to do anything, to be yourself. Every easement and profit is yours. The only trust is exactly that – our common bond. 
This home is registered to you alone. You will feel it, hear it beating all around you. I am yours.

(Previously published to raise funds for Shelter in the Stories for Homes anthology, edited by Sally Swingewood and Debi Alper.)


  1. Reminded me of Grenfell and the people made homeless as a result. A very simple piece that says so much.


2024 Wigleaf Longlisting

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