Saturday 16 June 2018

'For Your Boy' by Debbi Voisey

Cell – a place of incarceration.  If you have weapons on you and no documents, you will be thrown into one.

Cell – the area covered by one of the transmitters in a cellular telephone system.  A man will take your phone from you and put a bag over your head. 

Cell – a lodging room for a monk or a nun.  You used to pray to God.  You feel these days that he has abandoned you.

Cell – a small, subversive group of political activists.  When you live in fear and desperation, and promises are made to you, involvement is sometimes inevitable.

Cell – one of many small compartments, as in a bee hive.  There is a bee buzzing incessantly in the corner.  You feel it will drive you insane.  You can’t kill it because your hands are tied behind your back.

Cell – the smallest structural and functional part of an organism.  Sometimes these can be cancerous. Your youngest boy has these in his body and you just want to help him.

Cell –  a device used for generating strong electrical current.  For the love of God, tell them about your boy…

This was previously published on Reflex Fiction 28th Feb, and appears in their first anthology. 


  1. I absolutely love this. Beautiful, harsh writing.

  2. Such an intelligent piece of writing. Love the structure.


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