Saturday 15 June 2024

'When The Family Came to Dine' by Angela Fitzpatrick

Fifteen people ate in silence. Nobody made eye contact. The only sound, beside the scrape of cutlery, was Zoe sniffling.

Before that, Mum pinched Zoe’s chin and pulled open her mouth. ‘It’s gone. Everyone eat,’ she said.

Before that, Zoe stuck out her tongue, and placed the offending article as far back as possible. As she tried to swallow, it stuck, and she swigged a mouthful of water to help it down.

Before that, Zoe said, ‘Mum, please…’ as her eyes filled with tears and blush rose to her temples when Grandpa locked eyes with her and mouthed, ‘She won’t back down.’

Before that, Mum stood and held up her hands for silence. ‘Nobody starts until Zoe has eaten a sprout,’ she slurred, scooping one from the serving bowl and placing it in the centre of Zoe’s plate.

Before that, all the aunties and uncles, cousins, and grandparents, arrived for Christmas dinner.

Before that, Mum decided to have gin, instead of coffee, with her breakfast. ‘Let’s have some Christmas Spirit,’ she said.

Angela lives in Orkney, Scotland. Her short stories and flash fiction have been published by Cranked Anvil, Bristol Noir, Backstory Journal, Ink Pantry, and others. Having recently completed an MLitt in Creative Writing with University of Glasgow, she is working on her debut novel.

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