Saturday 15 June 2024

'What they'll say to you...' by Donna M Day

What they’ll say to you when you go to the doctors, the hospital and the psychiatrist about the pain that makes your leg scream all night every night even though you’re a fit and healthy 22-year-old

  1. You’re lying. Liar, liar, liar. You wonder if it was lying so often or so well that made it come true.
  2. You’re dreaming. Overactive imagination. You tell them you’re sorry and beg them just to make it stop.
  3. You’re mad. Dangerously unwell. You take the pills that will make all those bad feelings and the imaginary pain disappear.

You gobble up every single one. Gladly. Because you’re a mad liar with an overactive imagination.

There is something else, but they won’t tell you that for years, and when they do, they will have lawyers in the room.


Donna M Day is a writer and theatre practitioner who lives in Liverpool, England. Her writing has appeared in Mother's Milk Books’ The Forgotten and the Fantastical series, and the anthologies Key Words: Poems from Lockdown and From the Body. Her newsletter Sea Invisible is about life with invisible disability and she is currently blogging her way through Seventy Years of Books and Creepy Houses. She recently directed The House Amongst the Willows by Robert Scott, which was performed at Formby Little Theatre where she regularly facilitates theatre workshops.

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