Saturday 15 June 2024

'The Blue Anorak' by Lisa Williams

Children go missing every day. I went missing a decade ago, in a blue anorak, they never did find me. The coat hangs on the back of my door. It still fits, but it’s not comfortable. When I do the zip up, it squeezes me tight like an unwelcome hug.


Predominantly a writer of short stories, flash or micro fictions, Lisa
particularly likes the tight word constraint of a drabble. She’s a
cheery soul but you wouldn’t guess that from her writing as she often
dwells on the darker side of life. She regularly reads her drabbles on
the radio and at spoken word events; she also helps the Editor at the
popular flash fiction site – Friday Flash Fiction. Lisa has fully
embraced social media and can be found as @noodleBubble on most
platforms. NoodleBubble is also the name that she uses when she sells
her art and handmade jewellery.

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