Saturday 15 June 2024

'Best Friend' by Lori Cramer

She asked if she could sit with me at lunch. She asked if I’d like some of her chocolate-chip cookies. She told me she’d never had a best friend.

She asked if I could come to her house after school. She asked if I wanted to watch baseball on TV. She told me she used to watch ballgames with her dad.

She asked if I kept secrets from my parents. She asked if I thought smoking was cool. She told me she had a pack of Marlboros under her pillow.

She asked if I had a crush on Billy Ziller. She asked if I’d ever kissed a boy. She told me she’d kissed lots of them.

She asked if I wanted her to invite Billy over. She asked if I’d like to borrow one of her mom’s tank tops. She told me boys really like tank tops.

She asked if I was getting bored with Billy yet. She asked if I missed hanging out with her. She told me I should remember that if it hadn’t been for her Billy wouldn’t have even noticed me.

She asked if I’d forgotten about her. She asked if all I cared about anymore was Billy. She told me I was the worst best friend.

She asked how hard I cried when Billy broke up with me. She asked if I knew what I did to make him stop liking me. She told me I shouldn’t be jealous about Billy and her.     


Bio: Lori Cramer’s short prose has appeared in Ellipsis Zine, Fictive Dream, Flash Boulevard, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Splonk, and elsewhere. Her work has been longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50 and nominated for Best Microfiction. Links to her writing can be found at Twitter: @LCramer29.

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