Saturday 24 June 2023

'From the penthouse balcony, I sip iced coffee' by Katlina Sommerberg

With the sunrise at their backs, a penguin army arrives on Miami Beach. Each wave brings thousands more yellow-beaks to the white sands.

Sunbathing on cashmere, my client—married, thrice my age—photographs the invasion.

They encircle him, close in. Their red-slicked beaks devour him.

Penguins waddle to the high-rise’s gate. I fetch kitchen knives.

Below, windows open and fallers scream. Each suicide flattens dozens.

Flipper-feet slip-smack in the stairwell.

Fishy smell. The door splinters. Penguins spill into the kitchen.

The refrigerator opens. One jumps inside the cold; the others cannibalize it. Then another.

And another, until the army depletes to bones.

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