Saturday 24 June 2023

'Maybe it got stuck in between my teeth' by Leia Butler

I went to the dentist yesterday and when I was crossing the road coming home, someone asked me an easy question. But I said um for too long. Because yes I knew the answer but what if things had changed between now and the last time I knew? And what I didn't tell you is that we were still waiting for the lights to turn green at the time. I was thinking and waiting, and I realise I didn't actually remember locking the front door when I left. So now I am thinking and waiting and worrying. Except I didn't actually say um, I only thought it. So they asked someone else.

And it's later and I did lock the door. The dentist recommended more flossing, and when I thread the string through my teeth, I pull out the words that got caught earlier. I scrunch them into a tissue and throw them in the bin.

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