Saturday 24 June 2023

Debut Flash: 'Honestly' by Nicole Winchester

No one ever wants to make or answer phone calls, nowadays. There's too much anxiety, too much urgency in the act of speaking, thinking of the next thing to say on the spot, as opposed to typing a response with your thumbs at your own leisure.

Too much honesty in it, too. No time to lie. That was my problem. I enjoyed the time that texting afforded me.

Eric: I got an invite to a party next weekend, u wanna come?

Me: Naw I got stuff to do, sorry

Eric: lol like what ur a hermit

Me: My mom is in the hospital actually

Eric: oh shit I'm sorry. Tell her hi from me

Me: I will, thx

I think about that exchange a lot, wondering if I cursed myself, if things would be different if I had accepted the invitation.

I missed the call that my mother really was in the hospital until everyone in my family texted me at once that she’d passed away.

I'll be honest. I wish I'd never told Eric anything.

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