Saturday 24 June 2023

Debut Flash: 'Half Lost' by Pilar Garcia Claramonte

They were the two most beautiful pearls that I could find.”

He unwrapped the metal detector and put it in the boot.

“You opened the little box – red, it was - and leapt up to kiss me in the middle of the restaurant. Montalbano’s.  You had melanzane parmigiana.”

He waved at James next door and drove off towards the care home. He knew the neighbours worried. Perhaps they’d heard him repeating the same stories to himself every hour of the day.

“Forty-two years ago. First wedding anniversary. A perfect pair, you said.”

Today’s plan. Search the flower beds outside the reception area.

“You wore them the day the twins were born. Refused to take them off. They’ll bring me luck, you told the midwife.”

Yesterday, he’d searched the gravel path leading to the gates. The day before, he’d combed the visitors’ parking.

“Your pupils thought you should try silver hoops instead. You’d look well fierce, miss, you told me they said.”

It would be easier today, with the metal detector.

“We’ll look at some holiday photos later. Thailand … Was it summer1990?  Wait. No. 1992. Travelled the world, we did.”

Three nights ago, he’d helped her to take off the pearl earrings, at the nurse’s request. It was their first night apart in years.

“You looked so confused, my darling.”

He’d swear he’d secured both pearls inside his front pocket before kissing her goodnight.

“That evening, I promised you that I’d do everything I could to keep our stories safe. To remember, always, for both of us.”

Home alone that first night, he hadn’t slept. He’d searched the car, the drive, the entire house, for the missing pearl.

It couldn’t just vanish. He’d keep looking. As long as it took. It was inconceivable that the two shouldn’t be a pair.


  1. Ver moving piece

  2. Very touching.

  3. Beautiful - love your handling of the the back and forth structuring

  4. A love story elegantly told


FlashFlood is OPEN for submissions until 27 April 2024!

FlashFlood is OPEN for submissions from 12:01 a.m. BST on Sunday, 21 April to 23:59 BST on Saturday, 27 April 2024. You can read our submi...