Saturday 26 June 2021

Debut Flash: 'Rehearsal' by Tangela Williams-Spann

“Come down, Ri-chan, It's time to practice.”

In a small bedroom on the second floor, a red-haired little girl groaned. It was piano time again already. She stood up as slowly as she dared and made her way toward the staircase.

“Tonight, Ri-chan. While we're young.” Kishiko's voice rang out again just as Hikari finally appeared at the top of the staircase to begin the journey downward. Upon reaching the bottom, she looked up at her grandmother.

“I...I don't want to practice today, Obaasan.”

“Have you gone outside today, dear? Sunlight will help you get stronger, but not as long as you won't go to it.” The little girl averted her gaze as she shook her head.

Kishiko sighed and looked as if she'd aged ten years in fifteen seconds, her face a mixture of sadness and pity.  That pout was her mother's.

“Then we have to practice. That was the deal, wasn't it.”

Hikari examined her shoes. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Come along, love. We'll just have to make some sunshine for ourselves.” The older woman gently took Hikari's hand and lead her towards the sitting room.

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