Saturday 26 June 2021

'School's Out' by Christopher P. Mooney

Textbooks and board pens have been abandoned in favour of cocktail cans and party hats; the tables where students sat only minutes ago cast aside for a makeshift dancefloor. The teacher’s desk remains untouched so as not to disturb the lines of coke that have found a temporary home in the grooves and scratches of decades-old graffiti.

This marks the end of another year, the academic one, and it isn’t long until she and I find ourselves in the department storeroom, class sets of Shakespeare and Plath, even Dickens, towering in judgement on all sides as our tongues, ironically wordless, explore new meaning. I push hard, mouth hungry – our kisses and thrusts punctuated by breathy silences – knowing my behaviour is grammatically incorrect but determined to write an exciting chapter that will get me through the family summer.

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