Thursday 13 June 2019

Roadmap to NFFD 2019

We're gearing up for Flash Flood 2019, making sure the windows are shuttered and the sandbags are in place.  We'll publish our first story at 00:01 on 15 June, National Flash Fiction Day, but in the meantime, here's a list of all the ways you can join in this weekend....

Read with us!

On 15 June, we're publishing one flash every 5-10 minutes here at Flash Flood! You'll find a wild mix of flash of all sorts of flavours, and from 12:30pm - 10:30pm, we'll be publishing debut writers at thirty minutes past the hour.  Dip in or read it all, it's up to you!

Write with us!  

 On 15 June, we're publishing a prompt every hour at The Write-In. Send us your responses within 24 hours for a chance to be published at The Write-In. (If you're publishing your work on your website or social media as well, send us the link and we'll include it with your story should it be accepted.)

Celebrate with us!

We're celebrating this year's NFFD at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum in Coventry with a free event including flashy workshops, a panel discussion, and anthology launch. It's free but pre-booking is essential as spaces are limited.  If you're after a last-minute place, email us at!

Pre-order your 2019 NFFD Anthology!

We'll be sending out the first batches of print anthologies next week! Kindle eBook copies will be available later in the month.  All the pre-order links are available at our Bookshop.

Keep reading with us!

We're not finished after the 15th of June!  On the 16th, we'll start publishing responses to our prompts at The Write-In.  And, here at Flash Flood, we'll be publishing some work generated by a fantastic flash fiction project run by Safe Ground.

Support us!

If you like what we're doing, please consider helping us continue.  A list of ways you can do so (which don't all involve money) can be found on our 'Support Us' page.

Stay Tuned for more flash-tastic fun!

We have some exciting projects and collaborations coming up in 2020.  Keep an eye on our website for updates, follow us on Twitter or Facebook or join our mailing list.  Or just drop us a line at .  You can find all our details on our 'Contact' page.


If you know of any other exciting flash projects happening on or around National Flash Fiction Day, let us know

Now, back to preparations.  There's a storm brewing, and it's going to be a glorious one!

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