Saturday 25 June 2016

To Leave or Not To Leave, That Was Her Question by Sara Laksimi

She met her boyfriend in India. That’s also where he left her.
The last time she saw him as a single man was a few days before he got married. Eventually he had caved in to the clamourings of his traditional Hindu family. He had agreed to marry his cousin.
During their last illicit prenuptial night together he attested his love for her. He told her that marriage, that any kids, would not arrest his loving her, would not stop him returning to spend time with her. He said their meetings would keep him calm, sane, a good father, a good son, if not a good husband. She told him she still loved him. She told him he should stay true to his new wife. She said she was leaving; leaving the one-room home she’d occupied so she could be in his life; leaving him and India behind her.
As she packed cases on her last night, he appeared at her open door. Silently, she watched as her newly-married boyfriend entered the room. The setting sun shimmied through the door and seemed to follow him. Without fuss and no preamble he sat upon the bed and laid back against the pillows. She kissed the chocolate-brown skin of his cheek as softly as the sunlight. Later, she made calls. She cancelled her leaving.

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