He leaves. You see a spider. It moves in shadows through
the room. Your feet propel themselves upward to your knees and you hold yourself
tight, eyes shut, quivering. You want to leave, to scream, but a greater fear
still paralyses you, so you sit, alone, afraid.
Dancing shadows imprison your body,
dancing fears imprison your mind. You are frozen and small, that is all, but it
will pass.
Open curtains frame and fade the
world from dusk to black and a key turns the lock. Footsteps tread the dark and
a shadow dances through the kitchen now.
He is back and the spider times its
leave to set you free. You see a man. He moves in oblivion, calling through,
'How was your night love?'
You answer 'Fine. Only...'
'Only what?'
'There was a, a spider.'
His eyes drop but yours follow hopefully still, softly
scanning for sympathy, anything.
'But you dealt with it, right?'
'I dealt with it, sure,' You hesitate, wanting to choke
the lie, but can't. 'Just like you
said I could. It was all in my mind.'
He relaxes, thinks, brings you a drink and you tense,
shrink, tie down a scream and his world is protected. One more turn round the
dance floor and you'll tell him, again, one more turn.
This is very good and thoroughly enjoyed it, more please.......