Friday 19 April 2013

'Road Kill' by Oscar Windsor-Smith

Hit man Jake roars east at sixty, a Glock pistol in his shoulder holster – low sun in his eyes. Cedric kitten plays with dead leaves in the road. Nurse Lindy, heading west at forty, sees the tiny fluff-ball, swerves and sideswipes Jake, expelling him through crimson shattered glass. Cedric, purring, moseys on his way.


  1. Love the way the three strands of this story are brought together.

  2. Neatly collided to a fabulous conclusion!! Well done Oz, great yarn...yet again x

  3. Thank you, Shirley, Susi and Lynn. You are too kind. Oscar x

  4. So brilliant to catch such a lot in so few words. Loved it. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Sara. I don't know many words – I used 1/2 my vocabulary in Road Kill – that's why I can't write novels. :) x

  5. Brilliant. I loved how you captured everything we needed to know about the characters by giving them titles - hitman, nurse, kitten. I do hope Lindy is okay, very glad Cedric got to mosey on his way.

    1. That's very generous of you, @Rachael. I feel I'd better put out an update bulletin about Lindy on Twitter. ;) x


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