Sunday 19 June 2022

Wandsworth Carers Series 2022: 'Untitled' by Margaret

This piece is part of our 2022 Community Flash Series showcasing new writing by the Wandsworth Carers Centre Writers Group. You can read more about the background to this project in our introduction to this series, find out more about Wandsworth Carers Centre on their website, and find them on Twitter @CarerWandeworth.



by Margaret

At the bewitching hour of midnight the garden ornaments slowly came to life. The mischievous gnomes ran round the garden chasing the gnome on a skateboard. They all fell in a heap as they  ran so fast, but fortunately they stayed in one piece. They straightened themselves up and  looked around the group. The hedgehogs definitely outnumbered the rest. They gossiped together and said if they were real hedgehogs they would appreciate  the number of slugs that live in the garden.

Tom kitten, one of the larger ornaments sidled,  up to the fine looking Otter and talked confidently to her. The two rabbits, although large, were shy and whispered quietly to each other. They all made a circle and danced a merry jig, weaving in and out of the flower pots. Before the  morning light streaked the sky they all went back to their positions and the garden became peaceful once more.

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