Saturday 15 June 2019

'One Good Churn' by John H. Dromey

Although the recently terraformed planet Java Prime was a terrible place to bite the dust—so to speak—the soil was ideally-suited for growing coffee.

The future prosperity of the colony was entirely dependent on securing lucrative export contracts to other coffee-consuming regions of the universe.

The colonists hosted an interplanetary taste-testing party.

Meaghan arrived late. “How’s it going, Lori?”

“Not well at all. We’re out of cream and the head of the Earth delegation refuses to drink her coffee black.”

“Where are the other members of our presentation team?”

“They’re in the kitchen trying to reverse engineer the butter.”

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FlashFlood is OPEN for submissions until 27 April 2024!

FlashFlood is OPEN for submissions from 12:01 a.m. BST on Sunday, 21 April to 23:59 BST on Saturday, 27 April 2024. You can read our submi...