Tuesday 25 December 2018

FlashFlood Advent Calendar 2018: Day 25

Day 25: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas....

For our last writing prompt in the 2018 Flash Flood Advent Calendar, we're putting ourselves first...literally.


Write a story in which the main character is you, but everything else in the story (setting, characters, situations) is fictional.  It's up to you whether you simply want to write yourself into a circumstance that just happens to be different from your life, or whether you prefer to go down the Alice-in-Wonderland you-finding-yourself-in-an-unexpected-place route.

If you'd like an extra challenge, use 'joy' as a theme, and give your story a happy ending.  Try to avoid a conclusion that's trite, pat, predictable, twee, or mawkish.  (Did we mention that this is a challenge?)

Thank you so much for writing with us during these past 25 days.  If you have a moment, we would love to know what you thought of these prompts, and your thoughts on NFFD in general.  If you could take a moment to fill out this short survey, we would be very grateful.

Have a wonderful holiday season and a brilliant 2019.  Happy writing!


Find out more about National Flash Fiction Day at our website or get in touch if you'd like to learn more about how you can get involved.


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