Saturday 25 June 2016

'A Heart to Heart' by John Taylor

I love you

I love you too

I love you three

I love you more

Are you saying I love you less?

No, only that I love you more than you can say

You mean I can’t say as much as you?

         You’re taking my words too literally

You want me to take your words illiterately?

         Now you’re getting your words mixed up

Are you patronising me?

         No more than you’re patronising me!

Oh, so you’re doing it less this time?

         I hate you when you’re like this

I hate you too

         I hate you three

I hate you more


  1. I love this! Haven't we all had an argument like this one at some time?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Perfect, infuriating, everyday circularity!


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