Friday 12 October 2012

Welcome to Issue 2

Hello and welcome to the second issue of FlashFlood, the National Flash-Fiction Day journal.

Yes, I know NFFD was back in May, but we thought we'd do it again to remind you about us, and to let you know that we are starting our plans for next year. We're hoping that it will be even bigger and better than this year (if that's even possible!) and we need your help to do that.

So, if you want to keep in touch with NFFD2013 goings on, please send an email to and we'll add you to the mailing list. If you are willing to go one step further and offer to help out on the day (22nd June), organise an event, or can link us up with arts organisations or even, dare we say it, sources of funding, then we'd love to hear about that too.

With the submission period being only a week, we've had our work cut out to sort through the entries for this edition (so apologies if you feel we were too curt in our responses, this was simply caused by busy people trying to get a job done!) and I need to give especial thanks to the editorial team: Shirley Golden, Susi Holliday, Susan Howe, Caroline Kelly, Cassandra Parkin and Nettie Thomsom. They've done a great job and I'm sure you'd want to join me in thanking them. 

 But for now, enough of that, we have over 80 wonderful stories coming to you all day long, posting reguarlarly to this blog right up until midnight tonight. So sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy the cascade of wonderful fictions that will be coming your way in a moment.

Calum Kerr
FlashFlood editor and Director of National Flash-Fiction Day

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