Saturday 13 October 2012

End of Issue 2

And... that's it, ladies and gentlemen, the end of our second issue.

We hope you enjoyed it. There was certainly a lot of chat and noise on Facebook and Twitter, and a lot of kind comments which have been posted.

Please continue to read through the stories at your leisure and, if you like them, share them with your friends via social media and please, please, leave comments for the authors. We will make sure they all get passed on to them.

We hope to bring you more FlashFloods in the future, so do keep checking back for our next submission window. And if you've liked what you've seen and would like to be kept up to date with events for National Flash-Fiction Day 2013, please drop us a line at and we'll add you to our mailing list.

Once again, thanks to the editors, and to the writers, and to you for reading, and we'll see you soon!

Calum Kerr
FlashFlood Editor

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