Friday 12 October 2012

Hero' by Jo Waterworth

She’s looking at him and he’s looking at her and her eyes are dead but he’s pretty sure she’s alive and it’s all been worth it, all of them, all of the time and the weather, the endless dark and rain. She’s looking at him and she doesn’t know yet, can’t allow herself to feel, can’t believe he’s a rescuer, he’s big and male so it won’t be good. She’s dead inside and she doesn’t care anymore, she’s not in her body as it’s picked up and he shouts, shouts to others she can’t see because she’s tired of looking, it’s been so long looking at nothing. And he’s looking everywhere but at her, he needs everyone to share this excitement, it’s him, he’s the one who found her, he’s the hero and she’s still alive and it’s a happy ending, thank God, thank God.

 And it’s not the ending she was waiting for.

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