Saturday 24 June 2017

'The Colour of Disappointment' by Melissa Fu

We ate French toast. Yours dripping with maple syrup and sarcasm, mine with blueberries and powdered sugar. There was a lump in my throat, bigger than those blueberries, which meant I tasted none of the sweetness of the sugar, the saltiness of the butter, the tart reassurance of the berries. Nothing made it past that lump I was strangling which ended up strangling me.

I remember the place was packed. I remember blinking back tears as I held a steaming mug of coffee to my face. I remember the colour of the coffee. Just the right amount of milk swirled into the black liquid to make just the right ratio of cream to bitterness. Those days were all about being just right. I had steam to cover my tears, a plateful of plenty with which to fill any voids, and the clatter of cutlery drowning out our unspoken conversation.


  1. I love how much you've left unspoken and yet it is all so clear.

  2. I feel the character's pain and disappointment. A great example of flash that is greater than the sum of its parts.


2024 Wigleaf Longlisting

Huge congratulations to Lisa Alletson whose 2024 FlashFlood piece, ' Translucent ' made the Wigleaf Top 50 longlist! You can read th...