Saturday 6 June 2020

'A Dog's Life' by Duncan Hedges

'I can't see that there's much to discuss,' Jack says, chewing on a strip of beef jerky while slouched on a beanbag.

'The neighbours have seen our son burying bones in the back garden,' his wife replies, standing over him, hands on hips.

'Didn't you ever dig holes as a kid?'

'He's told his form tutor that he's being raised by wolves.'

'It's just a phase...a vivid imagination.'

Jack swallows the last bit of jerky, his head lolls to one side as he savours the salty taste.

'So you can't see a problem with all this?' she asks, putting a gentle boot into the beanbag.

'I think you're overreacting. Like I said, it's just a phase.' His wife stares at him open-mouthed. He licks the remaining flavour from his lips and adds, 'look, it's nearly five. I should go down the butcher's for the cut-price deals.'

He pulls himself up, stretches his back and then moseys to the door.

'Can you at least change your clothes before you go...please.'

Jack looks at her solemnly, his sad hound dog eyes betraying his inner turmoil. There's no doubt that she really means business this time. Never before has she objected to him doing the meat shop dressed in his Husky dog onesie.


'A Dog's Life' was first published by Ad Hoc Fiction ebook on 27 November 2019  

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